
We advise our clients all through their different corporate activities and areas of practice.

We offer our clients tailor-made practical solutions, taking into account their business environment and the different jurisdictions where they may be in operation. We consider in our advice the potential legal and reputational risks, so that they are also covered in our advice to the client.

We advise in good corporate governance to public and private companies. We also advice in regulated private activities such as venture capital, crowdfunding, etc

We advise our clients all through their different corporate activities and areas of practice, by contributing relevant value added.

We specifically deal with the following areas:

  • Incorporation of all companies.
  • Change of articles of association.
  • Company secretarial activity.
  • General shareholders’ meetings.
  • Corporate restructuring.
  • Directors duties and responsibilities.
  • Joint Ventures and shareholders’ agreements.
  • Share capital increase and decrease.
  • Insolvency.
  • Advice to foundations or associations.

We undertake to provide an integral service to the client as we manage, on behalf of the client, local counsel in cross-border transactions as well the work of specialists, all of which we can identify for the client out of our network.

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News 348bis LSC

27 March, 2017

The entry into force of article 348bis of the Companies' Law. On January 1, 2017, article 348bis of the Companies' Law entered into force. We analyze the consequences of the application of this article that regulates the right of separation of the shareholder in case of absence of profit distribution.

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Adding value, fully committed and working closer to the client.


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