Santiago Bayo, Lawyer at GBP Legal

Santiago Bayo


About Santiago Bayo

Santiago Bayo joined GBP-Legal as associate in 2016. He holds a degree in Law and a degree in Business Administration from the Zaragoza University. He pursued part of his studies in Business Administration in the Gothenburg University Handelshögskolan.

He is a former lawyer of Uría Menendez, where he spent five years of his professional life in the Bilbao (2011-2014), Madrid (2014-2015) and São Paulo (2015-2016) offices. His practice covered and covers corporate law, mergers and acquisitions, financing and restructuring transactions, commercial law, securities markets, and insolvency.

Santiago is fluent in Spanish, English and Portuguese.


  • M&A
  • Corporate
  • Capital markets

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